Balanced Body
Holistic Health Therapy
in Pagosa Springs, Colorado
Elly Osmera, owner/operator, encourages students to connect with their true self. Yoga has been a love for over 20 years. Elly has studied with Frog Lotus in Bali (200hr T.T.), Yoga Durango (200hr T.T.), Prajna Yoga, and with Amy Ippoito, along with licenses in massage therapy, cosmetology, and biofeedback, Stretch To Win technique. She is devoted to and inspired by wellness, and has a true love for people.
"I love having diversity of education in many different aspects of health and wellness. I strive to integrate my diverse background and over 25 years of experience together in a compassionate way for my clients. Teaching people to be a friend to their body.
Combining science and art to build a relationship between caring and healing creates an overall wellness supporting circulation, and connective tissue alignment. It is my goal to be a good friend/therapist that supports my clients' needs and help them change without force.
I’m happiest when I help a person overcome an injury or chronic imbalance. Using yoga, massage, stretch to win, and cupping."

Elly does an amazing job with all of her services. Truly caring about every client and their health and wellbeing; way beyond the quality of what you would find in a day spa.

Rosanna Dufour
After years of trying every medical and Eastern method to relieve chronic hip and back pain, I came to
Elly. Her stretching technique almost instantly relieved the pain, but more importantly, I learned
body awareness through her coaching. Now at maintenance status, the healing has begun. I will continue to
seek her assistance and to grow in a deeper awareness of my body. Ok maybe too sappy but if you found
relief after years of pain you would know the deep gratitude I feel.
Elly is all about seeing, sensing, and making connections.
These reflect our body’s connections; such as facia, connective tissue, tendons, ligaments, muscles, and bones, all of which she handles with superb grace and care.
Elly has a fantastic ability to take what she sees on the mat, then brings it to the massage table (and vice versa), creating a more wholesome healing experience.
She accesses her many years of personal experience through her own practices, as well as the knowledge and wisdom gathered from various resources and teachings, and then applies all through her gentle, loving, head/heart/hand offerings.
Margaret Burkesmith
Yes, this is an impressive transformative service! Thank
you Elly for balancing my hips, ribs, and shoulders! You are so
much more than your awesome yoga/massage/biofeedback skills!!!!

Denise Hipp Zitzevancih